Friday, April 2, 2010

Something to Consider

My greatest desire is the see the women of the church (big C) becoming passionate about the men in their lives being great Christian men, leaders in their homes, fathers to their children, husbands deeply engaged in their marriage, and leaders in their sphere of influence at work, at church, and in the community.

So ponder this a moment:
You want a man who is a fair and strong leader in your marriage, but you wont let him lead you. You want a man who leads in the family finances (the big and the small things), but you wont trust him to handle your family budget and pay the bills.
You want a man who surrounds himself with other good Christian men to provide the right support and influence in his life, but you wont let him out of the house.

The above might seem extreme, but when you let most men (Christian and Non-Christian) read this statement, they will tell you it resounds with them. They feel guilty for wanting to have friends outside of the home, many of them know that it's hard to be at home with kids or working too, so think that they shouldn't take time to spend with friends to disciple others or be discipled. They feel inadequate to deal with the kids and finances. But this is not because they are, it's just that they think we think they are inadequate and so assume they must be.

Why do we try to control our men, thinking that by this method we will achieve what we want. We curse them for making us feel like we have one more kid to manage, when in reality we undermine their confidence in their ability to be any of the things we desire them to be.

PS If you think I'm one of those women who has the perfect husband and perfect life, you need to know that I've been the controlling "i can handle everything" wife and after the implosion of our marriage a few years back, we together have worked through the stuff I'm talking about here and now have a marriage that's a real partnership, hard fought and won. IT's scary stuff letting go and trusting God and your man to come through for you, and being patient when they fail from lack of practice, but the results are worth the trial.

Girls give him some room and encouragement (not instructions)to show you how amazing he can be!!!

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