Friday, April 2, 2010

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Today is Good Friday. And it's very Good. After all Jesus came for us that we might have life, and life to the full. Are you living, or existing?

If you're like me you probably swing from living to existing at each hour of the day. Sad but true.

One minute I can be on fire with righteous anger. Like this morning when I was told that a few upstanding Christians at church hussled a group of stragglers out the doors of the Good Friday Service, not knowing nor caring that the people talking together were in the middle of trying to help a newcomer and non-christian man turn to God instead of ending it all because his wife and kids had left him this week. (God forbid that they should be late to their roast lunch.)

And the next hour I can be cranky that I have to drive up the road the get the takeaway dinner, because my good husband spent the afternoon at the local pub with that same man and some other good christian men showing Christ's love in action.

Wow do I feel like a hypocrite...Note to self ministry (real missional ministry) is about sacrifice...It's not about's always about God and His glory.

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