Saturday, April 3, 2010

Accepting sacrifice

A lesson in carrying my cross today.

After spending the first hour or so of the morning running around doing loads of washing, dressing and feeding the kids and getting ready for the day, I had hoped to get some time out to spend with God at a local cafe.
I thought that if I could get everything organised my husband could come home and take over and I could head out for a while and get a break. The plan: do the shopping and sit down quietly for a bit of coffee and journalling.
But I'd forgotten that my husband had an early morning fitness session with some local guys (FIGS - Fit in God Saturday) and then a meeting with a pastor from one of the local churches immediately after.
So plans scuttled. I brought the kids shopping (you can imagine how much fun that was) and coffee evaporated into the heat of the day.
My husband said to me yesterday that it seems like I'm always having to make way for the things he has to do. I guess that's true. But I also know that whilst that can get old very quickly, we are called to offer ourselves as a sacrifice to God, willing to do all that he asks of us and to be cheerful givers.

Learning how to do this is hard work and emotionally difficult.

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